
Showing posts from February, 2022

What Does The Priesthood Look Like?

  What does priesthood look like? Go home, look at your wife! I remember one Sunday our class had a great discussion and wonderful insights were shared. At one point the topic of women and the priesthood was discussed and there seemed to be a restraint on the answers given. Restraint on the sense of what it seems as though we as a class were being careful not to hurt the sisters’ feelings with the answers given. Soon it was clear that it wasn’t the sisters’ feelings we were trying to attend to, but that the brethren’s’ ego. It daunted on me that perhaps one of the reasons why this topic is brought forth could be because we somehow have worked it in our own minds that the mere fact a woman can not administer to the sick or consecrate a grave or a house must mean that she is inferior to a man. That the notion of a man being able to carry out these duties somehow makes him holier, more worthy, or superior. It seems we have forgotten about Deborah (Judges 4:4) the prophetess, and jud