
Showing posts from March, 2018

Nurture it Strongly

Nurture it with care! Sometimes that doesn't mean to be gentle with it. I am no expert in marriage. I definitely have not earned the right to give any advice regarding it. However, I can only speak from experience. Before we got married we went to a marriage class. It was amazing. The teacher was funny and the learning seemed to grow everyday. All of the advices we got were so heartfelt: "Treat your spouse with respect." "Be kind to one another..." only to name a few. It seemed that we were now ready for our new reality. What they forgot to tell us was that we would argue and have great disagreements. They said decisions are better made with more than one head. They just forgot to tell us how hard it would be sometimes to come to an agreement! Sometimes we as couples tend to cloud our companionship by holding back our true feelings to make sure the other doesn't feel unhappy or sad. From my experience, this is a BIG MIS

Walk Without Shame

Be your majestic self! We were not always members of the Church. We are converts who grew up as members of the Wesleyan Church. Both sides of my parent's families were strong members of the Wesleyan Church. Some of my uncles, aunts, and even cousins held high offices in their various branches. My father especially had many close friends within our communities and from church as well. I remember days when the LDS missionaries would turn into our home and my father would order us to go to our rooms and no one is to answer the door. I remember peeking from one of the rooms outside to the Elders walking up and knocking on our door. None of us kids would make a sound. The Elders would keep on knocking and when on one would answer they would turn and continue on their way. It wasn't until my father came to American to work in hopes of getting more money to support our struggling little family that he met a good family. They were members of the LDS faith. Lo