Walk Without Shame

Be your majestic self!

We were not always members of the Church. We are converts who grew up as members of the Wesleyan Church. Both sides of my parent's families were strong members of the Wesleyan Church. Some of my uncles, aunts, and even cousins held high offices in their various branches.

My father especially had many close friends within our communities and from church as well.

I remember days when the LDS missionaries would turn into our home and my father would order us to go to our rooms and no one is to answer the door.

I remember peeking from one of the rooms outside to the Elders walking up and knocking on our door. None of us kids would make a sound. The Elders would keep on knocking and when on one would answer they would turn and continue on their way.

It wasn't until my father came to American to work in hopes of getting more money to support our struggling little family that he met a good family. They were members of the LDS faith.

Long story short, he got baptized here in America and the rest of us kids came into the church one by one soon after.

When dad came home having been baptized into the church here in America, many members of our community who were once friends are now somewhat of an enemies and mockers.

I remember the first Sunday we went to the LDS church after dad got home...

We all got into our little truck like vehicle and drove off tot he chapel. 

In order to get to our chapel, we have to pass the Wesleyan Hall where most of the Wesleyan members gather. As we pass by we would hear people mocking us by yelling things like, "Hey Joseph Smith, going to get some gold?" or "Joseph, where are you going?"

These mocking were directed towards my father. 

What is even more surprising is the fact that most of those yelling towards us were his friends. It was clear from their voices that they were not joking, the statements came with a reassuring sound of disgust.

I know that there have others who has been in the same situation but were egged, or watered. So our case was not that bad. But... it's what my father did the next Sunday that stood out to me.

When next Sunday came around, we got dressed as usual but this time, instead of taking the vehicle, dad says that we were walking to church.

We were walking to church, passing through those who mocked us to to imprint in their minds the fact that we are not ashamed of our choices!

If you are from a small town or a close circle of friends who you at times consider as family, then you know how difficult this was for me.

But dad led the way and I just followed his example. 

That Sunday, we walked pass the gathered crowd, our heads up high and dignity on every step. No one mocked us. And no one did it again after that. Our message was clear and it was received.

I have often reflected on that day ever since. But it's mostly for things other than spiritual.

To others, it might have been a simple act. But to me, it was an astounding lesson.


There have been times in my life that I had to draw from that day's spirit and do the walk. Whether physically or mentally!

Others might mock me of my ideas and plans which I am sure many of you have faced.

I pay no attention to them! Small minds can't comprehend the thoughts of greatness!

These are wolves who takes the most pleasures in watching you fail.

Whether it be at school, at work. in business, or whatever it might be...

Be as majestic as you can be. Do the Walk. For they are too short to see the things that only you can see!


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