Attitude for Success
Source: Today I've thought a whole lot about success. Here's something I picked up on my mission and have stayed with me since. I've altered it to match today's blog. Our time on this earth is short but eternally important. As we examine our lives here, we see that some succeed to a great degree and others seem to stumble along, trying to stay positive and living life day after day. Speaking of those of us who belong to the latter group, we somehow feel as if we are not obtaining the results that we desire. What makes the difference between a highly successful person that seems as if the world is at their demand and an individual that barely gets by?.. I believe that if we examine the trends in the lives of successful people, we find that it is not where they live, it is not the people, and it is not the time of year. Instead it is the attitude of the individual and their ability to utilize and apply the talents that they possess. In re...