Attitude for Success


Today I've thought a whole lot about success. Here's something I picked up on my mission and have stayed with me since. I've altered it to match today's blog.

Our time on this earth is short but eternally important. As we examine our lives here, we see that some succeed to a great degree and others seem to stumble along, trying to stay positive and living life day after day.

Speaking of those of us who belong to the latter group, we somehow feel as if we are not obtaining the results that we desire.

What makes the difference between a highly successful person that seems as if the world is at their demand and an individual that barely gets by?..

I believe that if we examine the trends in the lives of successful people, we find that it is not where they live, it is not the people, and it is not the time of year. Instead it is the attitude of the individual and their ability to utilize and apply the talents that they possess.

In recent research, we’ve learned that attitude is a vital key in an individual’s success.

This is true, whether at home, school, work, or your business.

We know that an individual with a good attitude produces good results; fair attitude, fair results; poor attitude, poor results.

Ability means nothing to an individual if it is not used. The greatest men came to the top because of the strength that grew out of meeting resistance.

I would assume that self-deceptions are responsible for more than three-fourths of all the so-called “unexplained failures” in a person’s life or in some cases, dream(s).

In our race for success, some would explain their shortcomings as they do in the game of bowling. If they fail to win, something was wrong with the ally, the pins, their arms, their members, their partners, their location, etc. etc. The trouble is never themselves.

No offense to you if you love bowling, I'm just using this as an example. lol

In my personal opinion, of all the distinguished failures, those who deserve the least sympathy are the ones who gather in foolish little cliques, praise each other, deceive each other, criticize others, and fool themselves.

They say;

“I am not appreciated...”
“I have had bad luck...
Others have had a better chance...” 
“I wish I could have the fortune of Mr./Ms.Mrs. ‘success...’” 

A fireball individual starts when an opportunity says “no!” This is a plain and simple concept but very true.

As we work to build our dream life, do not be someone who complains about his partners, his leaders (whether be at work, church, school, business, etc), and his burdens.


become a creator of circumstances instead of a creature of circumstances.

I have found that success does not depend on the message, but on the messenger. We each learn that failure and excuses go together, so we must learn to get away from excuses. Dull or slow days/weeks/months are for dull people, so remember that sharp individual(s) don’t have any.

This is why success is not luck. It can be predicted and followed each day into a successful week, year, and life. Live one day at a time as though it were a building block.

By being able to control what we put in this mind of ours, we determine our own lives;

D&C 6:33 - ...whatsoever ye sow, that shall ye also reap...

We can see how important it is to sow the right beginning thoughts. Another interesting fact about our minds is that we can only entertain one thought at a time. Therefore, your destiny may be determined by one single thought, and it is up to you whether you make it positive or negative.

Think success and you will be successful. Your actions, attitude, work, and life will be directed by your thoughts.

I really believe in this quote, "Whatever the mind of man can conceive and believe, it can achieve." If you can’t see yourself succeeding, then you probably never will. Desires does not come from practical knowledge. I think it comes from compulsions and obsessions.

Desire leads to a goal, and it is the starting point of all achievement. The power of definite desire is beyond every practical goals that requires no emotion. We need to get involved emotionally in our goal to succeed. Who's ready for success? Life is successful only to successful individuals.


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