What Husbands Should do in The First Two Weeks of Having a Baby!

What can you do to help your wife after giving birth?

Before we had our first child I often hear comments from the mothers concerning their husbands. Comments like...

"I could've used another pair of hands but they weren't there."

"The nights were long. But he wouldn't know because he was sleeping."

I didn't want my wife to remember me this way as a husband. I wanted to be helpful. Although many husbands have done greater things than these, Here is the top four from my personal experiences to help you:

1. Put the Baby to Sleep 

Your wife just pushed a human out of her. That's a painful experience, during and after the fact! She has lost a lot of blood and energy in the process.

On top of this, she still needs to somehow gather the strength to feed the child. Not to mention being sleep deprived having to wake up several times at night. 

This is what you sould do.

When the baby wakes up at night to be fed. If everything is okay, it's fine to sleep while she's breast feeding the baby. But once you hear that they are done, sit up and offer to put the baby back to sleep. 

Now if this is your first child, your wife is most likely to decline. I am not quite sure why this is. Maybe she wants to prove that she's a good mother. Maybe she is still playing the good wife and although she really is tired and wants help, she would more than likely tell you otherwise.

Whatever the reason is... you are to assure her that you know she is a great mother and has done so much for your marriage and child. Tell her that you want to bond with the baby by putting her to sleep. 

If you do this one simple thing. Your life will be much better even after your children has grown and left the house. 

You see, women never forget a single important detail in their lives. She'll always remember that you woke up and put the baby to sleep.

2. Change the Baby's Diaper

I don't know what the deal is with diaper changing but it seems that we as fathers has a bit of a struggle doing this. Especially when it's a number two.

Whatever the situation is, be sure that you change the baby's diaper during this first two weeks. 

Whether this will be at night or day, I promise you you're wife will greatly appreciate it.

Sometimes when babies cry at night, it's just because they need a diaper change. Be the first to wake up to check.

If this is the case, change the baby's diaper and then put the baby back to sleep.

If you don't know how to change a diaper, go to youtube. There's a lot of videos there to help you out. If this is still confusing, call a family member or a close friend. There's always a way. 

The answer is never to say to your wife, "I don't know how to change a diaper, you do it."

3. Give the Baby a Bath

Most new mothers are worried they might do things wrong. This is especially true when they don't have families around. 

I remembered that my wife was so nervous about giving our first child a bath that she prepared everything almost thirty minutes prior. 

It's a relief to them if you would step in and help give the baby a bath. 

I grew up watching my mother bathing my little brother a lot. I also saw this with my many nieces and nephews.

Having being a visual learner, this was enough for me. This might not be the case for some of you. 

I suggest you go to a new parenting class. Call the hospital or a birthing center, they will know where to direct you.

If all things fail, go online and grab a baby doll to practice before the baby comes. 

4. Cook Dinner for the Family

Last but not least, be in charge of the kitchen!

Your wife is already stressed enough being a new mother. Why don't you take care of the meals. She doesn't need to stress about feeding you too.

I know some of us men can survive on cereal all day, everyday. Your wife on the other hand needs nutrition and protein. She will most likely eat junk food. It's not because that's all she wants. It's because she has no time and that's the fastest thing to grab.

This is why it's important that you prepare a good meal. 

Sometimes your wife will be so tired she'll even forget to eat.

It is your job to make sure that she eats and drinks. Of all your worries, trust me, the last thing you want to worry about is your wife fainting.

Having done these things, I'm still proud of myself thinking back to those first two weeks. Some of you might have done these for more than just two weeks. That's the point...

It doesn't have to end in the two week mark. You should continue doing these things afterwards.

Some of these are easier said than done but it's a great feeling once your through it.

If you've missed these for your first child, do it for your second one.

Oh... I almost forgot...

While your doing these things, don't forget about the laundry. They need to be done too.

It took two to conceive the child. It also takes two to raise it.


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