Didnʻt You Get the Letter?

I was so bad my coach even asked me if I didn't get the letter?

I have heard so many spiritual counsels and guidance this weekend of which I am so grateful for. I have felt that I need to do better in some things and I need to rid my life of others.

All in all, one memory came to mind and I think it is appropriate to share with you all:

"It doesn't matter when and how you finish. In life, what matters is that you do finish the race."

It was the first year I joined my high school track and field team. I was in eleventh grade or Form 5 for those of you outside of the U.S. I was so bad and slow but I really wanted to join the team so I kept going to the practices. There were morning practices which started at 6am and there were after school practices that ended around 7pm.

One morning practice the coach called me while we were on a break and asked, "You didn't get the letter?"

I said, "What letter?"

He said, "The letter explaining that you don't need to come anymore"

I ignored him and kept going. hahaha...

Unfortunately, the story did not end as you probably think it did. My first race was a mile race. I did not win any medal.

But I kept going until I finished the race.

As I turned the last corner, I heard a voice cheering for me.

It was my coach. He still cheered and pushed me on up to the finish line.

The following years were better. I formed a very special bond with my coach. When I got back from my mission he was the first person I went to see after visiting some family members.

I can't emphasize enough how much I think there's so much similarity in this story with our lives.

I imagine a loving Father in Heaven that cheers us on as we struggle through life. That yells, "You can do it, keep going, you can do this!!"

One who claps the loudest while on two feet as you turn the corner!

One who doesn't care if you've left the right lane and came back. Or, if you've left and is now still trying to come back. All he cares about is that you come back!

With or without a medal. All he cares for is that you pick yourself up, come back to the right lane and just finish the race!

Sometimes in our business, we are blinded to those who need our help to cheer for them as they struggle to put one leg in front of the other.

We sometimes are too busy in the church but are not active in the gospel.

I for one, can honestly say that I am guilty of this.

Look closer, pay a little more attention and you'll see them.

They are within your circle of friends or even family. They are your neighbors and are sometimes in your ward or stakes.

When you do find them. I urge you not to look at the fact that they might me running in the wrong lane. Pay more attention to the fact that they are trying their best to come back to the right lane.

While they are doing that, you keep cheering for them and praise them for still running!

After listening to so many uplifting messages from general conference this past weekend, I made a promise to myself that I'll look harder and pay more attention to befriend or help those who need my cheering voice.

I invite you to join me. Look for a weary runner. Befriend, help or serve them. I promise you that you will feel a great sense of satisfaction!

Let's try it for just this week. And if you don't mind, I would like to hear from you about your experience.


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