Hard Decisions

If it'll come down to it. Will I choose to save my wife or my unborn daughter?

We were so ready to welcome our second child to this world. Our oldest was going to be two years old and this might sound weird but we missed the new born vibes already.

We had about three false alarm with our second daughter. Each time we rushed to the hospital smiling in our hearts thinking that this will be the day when we'll meet our new addition. But each time we were sent back home...Oops haha.

However, 5th of May rolled around and it was time. We went to the hospital that night and my daughter was born the next morning.

This article though is about that one very scary moment when I contemplated having to choose between my wife or my unborn daughter.

There were some complications with my wife's medications which sent her blood levels very low, heart beat was slowing down, her pupil were disappearing, skin pale and the nurse yelling, "keep her awake!" at me.

As I was trying my best to keep my wife awake my hands shook and heart rushed as I saw her body slowly giving in.

Nurses running around, doctor rushing in...

We were close to a moment where I would have to choose.

As I stand there by the bedside, my mind went back to our wedding day. As we knelt on the altar and covenanted with each other that we will be each other's keeper. Having belonged to the Mormon church, our covenant went beyond the grave to the eternities. Basically saying, she is my key to the door of eternities.

Not knowing if she was conscience enough I bowed down anyway and whispered in her ears, "I know you wouldn't like this but, if it'll come down to it. I'm choosing you!"

Luckily, it did not come down to such a moment. pheeeewwwww!!!!

The medical team was able to revive my wife.

Many of our friends and families did not agree with the decision I was going to make. Some may even think of me as a murderer.

I understand their point of view and frustrations but my covenant is with my wife, not my child. We'll make another baby but I won't find another her.

I remembered on my mission I was asked a similar question in hope that I would contradict myself...

"The boat sank and your mother and wife are both drowning. You can only save one of them. Who will you save?"

My answer?

Genesis 2:24
Therefore shall a man leave his father and his mother, and shall cleave unto his wife: and they shall be one flesh.

...I am saving my wife.

Again, my covenant is with my wife. Not anyone else. She is my salvation. There will be no me without her. There is only us. She and me are one.

Sometimes I feel I tend to forget this eternal truth.

Living the gospel for some is hard and for the most part, our covenants/beliefs are tested during our most dramatic experiences.

I know I have lots of faults and shortcomings. But I'm grateful I have someone (my wife) to face them with.


  1. That would be a tough choice. There really is no happy ending there if you did choose one. If you believe in eternal families you don't have to choose at all. They will both be yours in eternity.

    1. Thank you for your thoughts. Appreciate it.

  2. The power of marry in the TEMPLE. Bless you and your family xx

    1. Thank you for reading and for sharing your thoughts.

  3. The power of marry in the TEMPLE. Bless you and your family xx

    1. Your comment is true. Thank you for reading.

  4. Talk about a learning experience. Good to see you're doing well. You were a good man when you served with us in the YSA 12th Ward and I'm sure you're a better man now. Good luck to you and your family my friend.

    1. Hey. Thank you for reading and for such encouraging words. I'm constantly trying everyday to be better but some days I succeed and others, I don't, sadly. But, all in all, I'm thankful for my trials.

  5. What a great perspective. It’s hard to say it out loud, but I would choose my husband too, if I was given the same ultimatum. A good reminder of the covenants we make in the temple.

    1. Thank you for reading and support. It's true. It's hard to say it out loud. But our covenants will always lift up us at the end, no matter what people might think and say.

  6. what a wonderful story, and what a strong priesthood holder you are. this is something all priesthood holders should read because it will give them the bigger picture of how you will come across situations that will change your life forever, and you'll be left with hard choices like those you had to choose from. it won't be easy, but with your faith in the Lord and remembering the covenants you made in the temple, you will be ok. Thank You again for sharing ❤

    1. Thank you so much for such kind words. I really appreciate your support and testimony.

  7. Thank you for sharing such wonderful story��Gos bless you and your lil family❤❤

    1. I appreciate you taking the time to read. Thank you for your kind words and wishes.

  8. I cried as I was reading this cause it feels like I am reading a thing that my dearest husband for 27 yrs would do. I understand what he meant because we believe in a church that its values and beliefs gone beyond the grave it does not end in death. So grateful I came across this just made my day. And forever grateful for the gospel in my life.

    1. Jacinta, thank you for sharing your thoughts and also for your testimony.


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