My Mother Said: It's Time to Leave

She finally sat me down and basically said that it's time for me to leave!

When I graduated from high school, my mother who worked at the same school also retired. Most of my siblings have left the house and it was only me, my parents, my sister Ofa and my younger brother Moti.

No one was working at this time. My dad went to the plantation for our food, my mum is now retired, my sister was finishing up her degree and Moti was in Primary school.

I decided to find a job to help support our household. Some of you might wonder what happened to my mother's retirement. 

You see... my mother believed in educating all of us kids, so she took out a loan to sent the oldest to school in New Zealand. Her retirement (which wasn't much), went to paying off that loan.

Earning a TOP $6 per hour which is the equivalent of about USD $3 per hour was hard to keep up with the bills. I remembered there were nights that I would sit with all the bills laid out on my bed and just don't know how they're going to be paid.

The time came for me to get my mission papers ready but I pushed it aside because I just can't see myself leaving on a two year mission and having my family without any source of income. 

How are they going to make it? Where will they get the money to pay for the bills? How are they going to get meat for food and all that? These were the questions that went through my head. 

At this point, I've decided that a mission is probably not for me. 

Months went by and I was sinking in to my reality. 

I have to tell you that my mother on the other hand did not get the memo. 

One Sunday afternoon when we came back from church. She called me from the foyer. When I came she said, "Sit down Tui I want to talk to you."

"Why haven't you submitted your mission papers yet?"

I looked down and hesitated at first but then I finally found the courage to say it. 

"Who will take care of you guys when I leave? We have bills to pay and things that we need money for. I'm the only one working here...

I think it's better if I stay and continue working to help us out."

My mother said, "Tui, look at me." as our eyes matched she continued, "The Lord will take care of us if you'll go and do His will. You are blocking our blessings by deciding to stay. I think it's time for you to leave."

This was hard for me to swallow but honestly, having it come from my mother brought some sort of ease to my shoulders. 

I submitted my mission papers and my calling came. I was called to serve in the Apia, Samoa mission.

Many have their reasons for serving a mission. Some it's because they have strong faith and it's their duty to God. Others might be because that is what they've been told.

But I went because of my family. I did it because I trusted my mother's words... That God will take care of them if I serve.

Samoa was so hot and humid too. 

One day I remembered walking up the mountain in the forest. It was so hot. I remembered my sweat not dripping but literally running down my fingers. 

As I was catching my breath and feeling the pain in my feet, I said in my mind, "This sweat is for you mum." I said, "God I'm working hard and I know you can see me. Please take care of my family back home. Give them enough food to eat and enough money to meet their needs." I cried but I was sweating so much that my companion didn't even noticed. 

I had other relatable experiences throughout my mission but the truth is...

During these two years, my family always had food, they always had enough money to meet their needs and many more.

I think it's fair to say that they were better off than if I had stayed and worked.

It's funny how before my mission I saw no other option that my family can be taken cared of than for me to stay and work. 

Leaving was just not the wise or should I say smarter decision.

But for some reason, everything worked out in the end.

If you've read this far and didn't skip a paragraph...

Here's my advice for you:

From my experience, you will never go wrong when you choose to do the right thing. Even when it seems that it might not be the best choice.

Whatever your circumstances, trust that God will be there.


  1. Yaasss!!!! Amen...your mother is a wise woman.

    1. Thanks D! She definitely has a faith beyond my own. Sometimes I don’t understand it until later.

  2. Soa...thanks for being an example.

    1. Thanks soa. I’m still trying each day to be better. O a Mai soa? Haven’t heard from you in a while.


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