
Showing posts from February, 2018

It is Best to Live Within Your Means

Above all, it is best to live within your means. Last week I mentioned that there is more to the story and we would continue it sometime. Today, is that sometime hahaha... You should know that this would be similar to last week's post. Because believe it or not, it sort of happened twice. It's set now that we are getting married. The date has been planned and our apartment is secured. It was fast Sunday and my prayers were more towards our honeymoon and asking to be prepared for this new chapter of my life.  Like every other Sunday me and my fiance would go together to the cafeteria for dinner. This Sunday was quite odd. Usually, there would be a lot of students because ice-cream is always served on fast Sunday. For some reason, there was hardly anyone in there.  We got our food and we went to that same spot that I mentioned on last week's blog post.  The surrounding was very similar. We were secluded and there was no one near us. As we pr

God Will Provide and He Won't Disappoint

Genesis 22: 8 "...God will provide..." We wanted to get married but it just didn't make sense at the time. We were both students and there was just no way that we can afford getting married. We were madly in love and we wanted to be together but the question remained to be...When? We agreed that we would fast and pray on it. So we went to the cafeteria, had a meal, then we said a prayer to begin our fast. It was set that we would meet at the cafeteria after 24 hours to break our fast and to discuss what we felt. During this fast I felt that we should get married very soon. I felt that I don't need to worry about finances, house, or transportation because the Lord will provide. It was so clear that this is the answer to my questions. The next day came and it was time to break our fast. We both met at the cafeteria, sitting away from everyone else at a secluded area. After we said our prayers to break our fast my wife who was then girlfriend asked me

Friends Matter

Wherever you may be in life, it's really important that you choose the right friend... or friends for that matter. Back when I was still a youth, something happened that sort of changed who I was to who I am today. Our ward was having a fireside. If you are not familiar with what a fireside is, let me help you. People used to sit around in circle with a burning fire in the middle. This time was used to share stories and personal experiences. Those who listened are usually edified and more often than not leave with life long lessons.  With this same idea in mind, people now meet in chapels instead of a fire camp. Life lessons and experiences are both shared and learned. Anyway, back to my story... Our bishop tasked the youth and young adults to go from door to door within our area and invited them to come to our fireside that Sunday evening. I remembered I was paired with my childhood friend, Fina. I call her "Ne" so moving forward I'

What Husbands Should do in The First Two Weeks of Having a Baby!

What can you do to help your wife after giving birth? Before we had our first child I often hear comments from the mothers concerning their husbands. Comments like... "I could've used another pair of hands but they weren't there." "The nights were long. But he wouldn't know because he was sleeping." I didn't want my wife to remember me this way as a husband. I wanted to be helpful. Although many husbands have done greater things than these, Here is the top four from my personal experiences to help you: 1. Put the Baby to Sleep   Your wife just pushed a human out of her. That's a painful experience, during and after the fact! She has lost a lot of blood and energy in the process. On top of this, she still needs to somehow gather the strength to feed the child. Not to mention being sleep deprived having to wake up several times at night.  This is what you sould do. When the baby wakes up at night to be fed.