Friends Matter

Wherever you may be in life, it's really important that you choose the right friend... or friends for that matter.

Back when I was still a youth, something happened that sort of changed who I was to who I am today.

Our ward was having a fireside. If you are not familiar with what a fireside is, let me help you.

People used to sit around in circle with a burning fire in the middle. This time was used to share stories and personal experiences. Those who listened are usually edified and more often than not leave with life long lessons. 

With this same idea in mind, people now meet in chapels instead of a fire camp. Life lessons and experiences are both shared and learned.

Anyway, back to my story...

Our bishop tasked the youth and young adults to go from door to door within our area and invited them to come to our fireside that Sunday evening.

I remembered I was paired with my childhood friend, Fina.

I call her "Ne" so moving forward I'll refer to her as "Ne."

The minister of another faith lived within our area. His house was towards the end of our route. 

All other pairs before us walked pass his house. There were a few behind us but as we approached the minister's house Ne said, "Let's turn at the minister's house."

"It doesn't look like someone is at home," I said. 

The truth is... I was scared to turn.First, I was scared to face the minister. Second, they have two fierce dogs and I don't want to be bit.

I said, "It's alright if we miss his house. It's not like he's going to come anyway."

My attempt to sway Ne's intentions failed when she pulled me by the hand to a halt and said, "Tui, we are doing a good thing here. Let's both turn at the same time. The Lord will give us courage to speak to the minister and He will protect us from his dogs."

Was I still scared? You bet I was.

But there was now an ease on my conscience knowing that whatever happens, I have Ne by my side. That thought built a little courage in my heart.

As we opened the gates it made a sound. I was terrified as I saw the two dogs come running from their backyard. 

I looked at Ne but there was such a determination in her face that somehow transfigured to mine. We closed the gates behind us and headed for the front door. The two big dogs were now barking and are closing up. 

When they got near us, somehow they just stopped barking, wagged their tails, turned, walked away and laid down on the grasses.

As we got to the door, Ne knocked. My heart was pounding even harder now. Needless to say, it got even harder when the minister himself opened the door.

Ne must've saw the terror on my face because she spoke up and invited the minister to our fireside. 

To my surprise, the minister was quite nice about it and regretfully said he couldn't make it.

That experience sank deep into my soul. 

It helped me when I was a missionary. Every time I came to the gates of any minister's house or faced with fierce dogs, Ne's encouraging words rang on the back of my head. It was like a whisper from the past which truth was woven to the very fiber of my body.

"The Lord will give us courage... He will protect us..."

Many years have passed since then, yet these phrases have always held true everytime.

Just as Ne is to me, I suggest you do the following:

Choose great friends.

Choose the right ones.

The people you surround yourself with will have an effect on who you are.

Great friends always push you towards what is right. They are not afraid to tell you when you are wrong. Everyone else will be afraid of telling you the truth but they won't.

They'll sometimes laugh when you get in trouble but will always help you get out of it.

Time and distance does not phase a great friend. You might not be able to see each other for years nor talk to them often. But make no mistake... when you do, it'll be as if you've never missed a second of each other's life.

They will be happy for your success. Even happier than yourself at times.

They are hard to come by but it'll be easier if you'll be a mirror of what you're looking for.

If you find that you are not happy with where you are at life right now....

Look around! It might be time to find yourself a great friend.


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