God Will Provide and He Won't Disappoint

Genesis 22: 8 "...God will provide..."

We wanted to get married but it just didn't make sense at the time. We were both students and there was just no way that we can afford getting married. We were madly in love and we wanted to be together but the question remained to be...When?

We agreed that we would fast and pray on it.

So we went to the cafeteria, had a meal, then we said a prayer to begin our fast. It was set that we would meet at the cafeteria after 24 hours to break our fast and to discuss what we felt.

During this fast I felt that we should get married very soon. I felt that I don't need to worry about finances, house, or transportation because the Lord will provide.

It was so clear that this is the answer to my questions.

The next day came and it was time to break our fast. We both met at the cafeteria, sitting away from everyone else at a secluded area.

After we said our prayers to break our fast my wife who was then girlfriend asked me if I have felt an answer to our concern during our fast.

When she asked me that question, I felt and remembered in my mind the feelings and answer that I got. I felt that I should share this to her but being the human and natural man that I am I replied with a different answer...

"I think we should wait a little longer. Maybe a year or so from now. We need to make sure that we have enough money to sustain us. We need to think of where we are going to stay, rent to pay and all that. We need to have a car for transportation in case of emergencies."

When I finished, we both sat there in silence.

All of a sudden, a bishop who works at the cafeteria walked straight from his office which was on the other of the building towards our table.

Once he got to us he said, "I don't know why I'm doing this but as I was sitting in my office I felt so strong to come and tell you both that if you are worried about finances, a house to stay, or transportation, you should know that God will provide."

After he said this, he turned and walked away.

There are no words to describe how shocked we were.

Mind you, we were whispering this whole time. Nobody was close to where we were sitting. There is no way in this universe that he could have heard what we were discussing.

We just stared at each other with tears running down our faces. He just named the exact three things that I had mentioned to my girlfriend in the exact same order. 

I knew that my now wife was crying because she was moved by the Spirit. 

I however on the other hand was crying out of guilt.

The bishop was basically voicing the answer that I had felt during our fast but I was so stubborn that the Lord had to sent him so my physical ears can actually hear the answer that my spiritual ears wasn't willing to accept.

We discussed many other things during that meal but when we walked out of that cafeteria, we were sure that we had to get married very soon. 

I went and signed up for an apartment at the married student housing. We were number 92 on the waiting list. The housing employee who signed me up said that we won't be getting an apartment until the next year and that I should look for other options for us until then.

We got married three months after this.

A week before our wedding date the same housing employee called me and told me to come over to her office. When I got there, she said, "good news, we have an apartment for you guys. Majority of the couples before you dropped out and your next in line. The only thing is, it's a two bedroom so it's going to cost more. Do you still want it?"

I hesitated and almost denied it but then that same answer came to my head..."God will provide."

So I accepted it having no idea how we are going to pay for the rent.

If you read my previous blog post, "A Pineapple Miracle" then you already know how we paid for the rent and how God kept his promise and provided for our financial needs.

Some of you may ask, "How about the transportation part of the promise."

We didn't have a car right away after we got married. However, our friends will often lend us their cars.

A few months later, my trainer from the mission graduated and moved to the mainland with his family. He gave us their car to use and watch over.

Little did they know, they were being instruments in God's hands in fulfilling His promise.

There is more to this story but we'll continue that another time.

What's important is that God said He'll provide and that is exactly what He did.

Sometimes others ask me if I think I married the right person. My answer to them is always the same...

"I don't think, I know that I married the right person. God made sure of it!"


  1. Good story. I'm glad that the Lord is providing for you and your family.

    1. Thank you Kathy! I appreciate your comment.


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