The Sunday Fever

My attitude during the week was somewhat different from who I was on Sunday!

I am unaware if there are others out there like me, but I think I'm not alone.

There was a point in my life that I recognized I am a different person on Sunday than I am during the week.

When I discovered this, I named it... the "Sunday Fever".

I recognized that during the week I am much more mean and somewhat impatient.

I sometimes say things with no regards for others' feelings. I am much more brutally honest and in some aspects a very self centered person. When I want something from someone, I expect it to be done in a certain way within a very certain time period.

However, when Sunday arrives, I wake up with a smile on my face, and a very calm demeanor. I am much more patient and my attitude towards others are much more loving and caring.

As I recognized this switch in attitude I realized that I have taken the commandment to keep the Sabbath day holy too literal. I have taken this command and only implement it on the Sabbath day alone. When it comes to other days, well... they're simply not the Sabbath!

Accompanying this, is my forefront show. I had to look and act in a certain way especially at church as to gain others' respect and acceptance. I think I have been unintentionally putting on a charade without even realizing it was so.

To be quite honest, I liked the Sunday version of myself better than the weekdays version.

I knew I had to make some changes so as to ensure that I am the same throughout the week. And obviously there are certain aspect that I must keep to ensure that my Sabbath is not like the other days as well. Things like, not watching a worldly movie or playing worldly songs, etc... but the person should be the same in all seven days. 

I started by reminding myself every morning as I stand in front of the bathroom mirror that I am a son of God and a member of the restored church.

I would simply brush my teeth while saying in my head, "I am a son of God and a member of the restored church." 

I recognized that these few words set my mood for the day. My response to problems tend to be much better throughout the day. I tend to speak the truth in a way that it will get across but not so hurtful anymore.

It took some time but it got better each day.

I also accepted the fact that I am human and because I am human I can never be perfect!

Understanding this truth was life changing for me. I didn't have to care about others' respect and acceptance.

Does this mean that I should be impolite?


It simply means that others' judgements, gaining their respect and acceptance is no longer a concern.

I accept my faults. I don't dwell in them. I admit them and work hard each and every day to be better. But that is between me and the Lord. If anyone wishes to judge me for it, it's fine. That's their problem. I'm simply learning to just worry and deal with my shortcomings.

These two simple changes helped me to be happier and I would say, feels more fulfilling.

It helped lift up who I was during the week to a much better person but also took out the stress and pressure from my shoulders on Sundays.

Right now, I am simply Tui.

A fault filled human who wrestles with his monsters on a daily basis. Who understands that just because I can never be perfect doesn't mean I should stop trying to be better today than yesterday. Who understands that other people are humans too and I do not know what kind of monsters they're wrestling.

Sunday fever was real but now the Tui that you'll meet on Tuesday, will be the same Tui you'll meet on Sunday. 

I am simply Tui.


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