
What Does The Priesthood Look Like?

  What does priesthood look like? Go home, look at your wife! I remember one Sunday our class had a great discussion and wonderful insights were shared. At one point the topic of women and the priesthood was discussed and there seemed to be a restraint on the answers given. Restraint on the sense of what it seems as though we as a class were being careful not to hurt the sisters’ feelings with the answers given. Soon it was clear that it wasn’t the sisters’ feelings we were trying to attend to, but that the brethren’s’ ego. It daunted on me that perhaps one of the reasons why this topic is brought forth could be because we somehow have worked it in our own minds that the mere fact a woman can not administer to the sick or consecrate a grave or a house must mean that she is inferior to a man. That the notion of a man being able to carry out these duties somehow makes him holier, more worthy, or superior. It seems we have forgotten about Deborah (Judges 4:4) the prophetess, and jud

Better Trusted Than Loved

Sometimes I wonder why some people find console in the company of their friends and acquaintances but not their loved ones. I've had close friends ever since primary school who have shared with me their worries and in some instances, their secrets. With some of those shared information, I know for a fact that their families do not know them. Now... I would be lying if I would say that I don't return the favor in similar fashion. My point is... just as much as the place where we spend the most time tells where our heart truly is, we also confide our deepest feelings in those that we know won't betray us. A few years back, I was still in college, working the night shift, broke and newly married. Before I left for work at 11pm that night, there were some little word exchange. It was a depressing, distraught, and daunting time. My friends were the only people at the time that I've admitted to of how I think I might be depressed. I got to work that night and I j

Do you Have Faith Not to be Healed?

photo credit: A taunting question it was... do you have faith not to be healed? In a few days, my father will undergo a heart procedure. Not the type of situation any family would wish to go through but such is life. The specialist that my dad had been seeing sent my father for a heart scan last week. The scan showed some concerning results and a date for the operation had been set. My whole family set aside this weekend for fasting and prayer, pleading with the Lord that my dad's operation will go well and no complication happen. As I pleaded on my knees earlier today a surprising thought entered my mind... Do you have faith not to be healed? It was surprising because: first, I wasn't praying for myself and... second, I've never thought that not being healed requires faith from anyone. This returned my mind to a few weeks ago when my daughter was sick. She had a little cold and was feeling very uncomfortable. She kept crying

Attitude for Success

Source: Today I've thought a whole lot about success. Here's something I picked up on my mission and have stayed with me since. I've altered it to match today's blog. Our time on this earth is short but eternally important. As we examine our lives here, we see that some succeed to a great degree and others seem to stumble along, trying to stay positive and living life day after day. Speaking of those of us who belong to the latter group, we somehow feel as if we are not obtaining the results that we desire. What makes the difference between a highly successful person that seems as if the world is at their demand and an individual that barely gets by?.. I believe that if we examine the trends in the lives of successful people, we find that it is not where they live, it is not the people, and it is not the time of year. Instead it is the attitude of the individual and their ability to utilize and apply the talents that they possess. In re

Being Mercy's Hands

credit: The General Conference Center where I felt my sin filled self hunger for Mercy's hand. Two months ago on December 17th was our wedding anniversary. We've been married for five years. We've learned a lot about ourselves as individuals as well as a couple over this time period and we're still continuing to learn. We wanted to do something wholesome yet not expensive. Largely because we didn't have any money, hahaha... oh the struggle. We decided that for our anniversary we're going to take a tour of the general conference center of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints (of which we belong to). Then being at Salt Lake City, we're going to see how many temples we can go to. Our anniversary happened to be on a Monday so the temple idea was just to take pictures outside since temples are closed on that day. The day arrived and it was a bit off. We woke up late and there were some things that needed to

The Sunday Fever

My attitude during the week was somewhat different from who I was on Sunday! I am unaware if there are others out there like me, but I think I'm not alone. There was a point in my life that I recognized I am a different person on Sunday than I am during the week. When I discovered this, I named it... the "Sunday Fever". I recognized that during the week I am much more mean and somewhat impatient. I sometimes say things with no regards for others' feelings. I am much more brutally honest and in some aspects a very self centered person. When I want something from someone, I expect it to be done in a certain way within a very certain time period. However, when Sunday arrives, I wake up with a smile on my face, and a very calm demeanor. I am much more patient and my attitude towards others are much more loving and caring. As I recognized this switch in attitude I realized that I have taken the commandment to keep the Sabbath day holy too lit

It's the Small Things That Matters

At the end of the day I asked her, "What was your favorite thing today?" The answer I got was not what I had expected. A few weeks ago it was my wife's birthday. We both could not take the day off from each of our employment so yes, we went to work that day. To be quite honest, I was still asleep when my wife left. I do remember though that she came into our bedroom, woke me up and said, "I'm leaving for work..." As usual I just rolled over, we said our prayer for the day and off she went. All I said was, "drive safe." What did I do next?.. I went straight back to bed. When I woke up to get ready for the day, I remembered that it was her birthday. I have missed the chance of saying happy birthday to her in the morning so I sent her a text message.  Just a few seconds from sending the text, my phone rang. It was my wife. I can see her smiling from the other end of the call via her voice. She said, "Thank you... I ca